Delivery Time
Once we receive your order, the standard delivery time will generally be 5 - 7 working days for West Malaysia, and 9 - 13 working days for East Malaysia. For orders placed after 2pm the delivery will be delayed by one working day. However, please take note that due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, deliveries will be affected particularly for East Malaysia. Please contact our customer service should you have any concerns. Please find our estimated lead times as such:
Klang Valley – 3 to 5 working days
Peninsular – 5 to 7 working days
Sabah/Sarawak – 9 to 13 working days
Order Status
All information regarding the status of your order will be sent to you via email. As a result, it is particularly important for you to ensure that you enter a current email address when you place your order with the PUMA Online Shop and that you check your emails regularly.
If you have not received an order confirmation by email after completing your order, check your spam filter before you do anything else.
If the spam filter does not contain an email from the PUMA Online Shop, please contact our Customer Service Hotline.
When your package is passed to the dispatch partner, you will receive a confirmation of dispatch by email. This confirmation of dispatch will contain a control number that can be used to track the status of your package online.
Please enter the tracking number on the tracking portal.
Delivery Address and Invoice Address
Delivery and invoice addresses does not need to be the same. For example, you can have your package delivered to your work address.
Minimum Order Value
There is no minimum purchase order value.
Delivery Charges
Free Standard shipping on orders RM150 in West Malaysia, and RM250 in East Malaysia.
All orders placed on that ship within Malaysia are eligible for free standard shipping when you spend RM150 in West Malaysia and RM250 in East Malaysia or more.
West Malaysia - RM 10 for RM 150 below
East Malaysia - RM 20 for RM 250 below